This innovative line of coatings for interior furnishings can be applied to any kind of surface. It is designed to create high performance ultra-matt surfaces in terms of their chemical-physical structure and with self-healing properties, while maintaining a lower VOC content compared to UV conventional coatings.

UL’s Environmental Claim Validation (ECV) attests the exact percentage of renewable content in IRIDEA BIO coatings.

IRIDEA BIO won the Interzum Award: Intelligent Material & Design 2017 in the “High Product Quality” category.

— Anti-scratch
— Resistant to coffee stains
— Anti-fingerprint
— Self-healing properties (resilient): in case of light scratches, heat doesn’t damage the coating but “cures” it.
— Resistant to cold liquids (UNI EN 12720)
— Scratch resistant (UNI EN 15186)
— Requirements for worktops according to the standard on coated wood-based surfaces (UNI 11216)
Features & benefits
— Ultra-matt, 100% anti-glare surfaces. Very low sheen level (less than 5 gloss units).
— Extremely soft to the touch.
— It is possible to create unlimited colors, matter effects and regular, smooth and reproducible 3D effect surfaces.
— Application through all existing coating techniques for both transparent and pigmented versions.
— Easy to clean and anti-fingerprint surfaces.

An innovative range of water-based top coats to create ultra-matt coated surfaces that also have a metallic look.

Volontà Group: solutions that matter
We know what matters to our customers. We know their challenges, their products and their markets.That’s why we offer solutions. Solutions that matter.

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